Archive for June, 2010

Laughing Squid

Friday, June 18th, 2010

Black Rock Arts Foundation has just announced that the amazing Raygun Gothic Rocketship will be installed at Pier 14 in San Francisco thist August 2010 and will remain on display through September 2011.

The 40-foot-tall art piece, The Raygun Gothic Rocketship, offers rococo-futuristic, highly-stylized vision of space travel circa 1930’s-1940’s science fiction and is the latest in a series of temporary public art exhibitions sponsored by BRAF with the aim of enlivening and activating public spaces. The installation first landed at Burning Man 2009, and has subsequently appeared at NASA Ames for Yuri’s Night, and at Maker Faire. The piece is comprised of a single rocketship, poised as if to board passengers for a typical run to a nearby stellar destination. When installed in San Francisco, the sculpture will be accompanied by a descriptive exhibit, a “rocket stop”, which tells the story of the rocketship, provides route, schedule and other information. The installation will be illuminated for nighttime viewing.

Although this ambitious project has won overwhelming city and public support and enthusiasm, we need your help to make it happen! Help BRAF and the Raygun Gothic Rocketship crew make science fiction an everyday reality to hundreds of thousands of residents and visitors to the San Francisco Embarcadero.

Here’s how you can donate to BRAF to help make this project a reality. Video Interview

Monday, June 14th, 2010

Take a tour of the Rocketship with

The Rocketship is Coming to San Francisco!!

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Late yesterday afternoon, the SF Port Commission voted unanimously to approve the installation of the Raygun Gothic Rocketship at Pier 14, on the San Francisco Waterfront. Along with the approval, the Port also agreed to donate $15,000 towards our project budget.

A small crew contingent, along with members of BRAF, and Leslie Pritchett – our steadfast liaison throughout this process, were on hand for the meeting.

Our contacts at the Port, Dan and Phil, did a great job of organizing the proposal, outlining the mechanics of the installation and addressing basic questions and concerns. Speaking in support of our project and temporary art in general was Mike Farrah, a senior adviser to Mayor Gavin Newsom, and PJ Johnston, President of the SF Arts Commission.

So with the approval in hand, the hard work can begin. Stay tuned for more exciting details on fundraising, ship prep, Rocket Stop fabrication, and much more!

SF Examiner Article “Rocket art landing on SF Waterfront”

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Check out today’s SF Examiner for the article about the hoped-for installation at Pier 14.

See it here:  Link

Bring the Rocket Stop to San Francisco

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

That’s right folks – at the Port Commission of San Francisco’s next meeting, on Tuesday June 8th, they will discuss and have the opportunity to approve the installation of the Raygun Gothic Rocket at Pier 14 on the SF Embarcadero!

This is a tremendous opportunity for the crew and supporters of the Rocketship, for the Black Rock Arts Foundation, and for all of those citizens that would like to see more public art in our city. Although the rocketship will be closed to visitors, we are designing an informative kiosk, very much in keeping with the overall aesthetic of the ship, that will delight and share our story with the public. Cast in the guise of a ‘rocket stop’, it is to space travel what the bus stop is to public transportation.

The installation is being sponsored by the Black Rock Arts Foundation, with financial support from the Port of San Francisco and people like you!  (More information on how to help will be posted once we receive official approval.)

The (open session of the) Port meeting will be held on Tuesday June 8th, beginning at 3:15 PM. We are item #10 on the agenda. Public comment is permitted, and we’d love to see some of you come out and voice your support for this opportunity.

In the meantime, check out the beautiful fundraising poster created by our Chief Design Rocketeer Jody Medich:

Pier 14 Fundraising poster by Jody Medich

Rest assured we’ll be in touch following the meeting.

Grab your towel, and get ready for an adventure!